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Master Plan of the City of Pilsen

The Master Plan of the City of Pilsen is a document which, in accordance with the city’s basic urban planning strategy and system of transport, technical infrastructure and environmental stability, responds to socio-economic conditions, ownership relations and other factors. The Master Plan divides the city into separate areas and zones and defines their possible functional uses. These possible uses are laid down in functional regulations for the relevant type of area and zone. It is therefore possible to define the basic possible uses of each plot of land in Pilsen.

The Master Plan of the City of Pilsen was approved by Pilsen City Council Resolution No. 114 on October 19, 1995, and the binding part thereof was promulgated in the binding Decree No. 9/1995 of the Chartered City of Pilsen, on the Binding Parts of the Master Plan of the City of Pilsen. The document is updated once every two years in the form of amendments to the Master Plan of the City of Pilsen.

The current wording of the Master Plan of the City of Pilsen is effective from November 1, 2010.

Content of the Master Plan of the City of Pilsen

The Master Plan of the City of Pilsen has a text section and a graphics section. The graphics section consists of base maps and sectoral maps. The base maps of the Master Plan of the City of Pilsen contain all the necessary data about the zones. The maps have a basic scale of 1:10,000 or, in case of public works, 1:5,000, and are binding. Derived versions of these maps are also available at a scale of 1:20,000.

Base maps – 1:10,000 scale

       I.   Functional use of zones 
      II.   Public works – 1:5,000 
     III.   Acquisition of agricultural and forest land 
     IV.   Zones subject to special consideration
      V.   Territorial system of ecological stability

Sectoral maps – 1:20,000 scale

       VI.   Transport – road system and transport zones
      VII.   Transport – projected traffic intensities 
     VIII.   Water supply 
       IX.   Sewerage
        X.   Electricity supply 
       XI.   Gas supply
      XII.   Heat supply 
     XIII.   Telecommunications 
     XIV.   Development zones 
      XV.   Green areas

Latest updating:25. 11. 2010
Ing. arch. Irena Králová

Urban Design and Architecture Studio 1

tel. :+420 378 035 030
e-mail: kralova@plzen.eu

Functional use of zones on GIS - map portal MMP

Master Plan of the City of Pilsen