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Invest in Pilsen
The city's advantageous position at the crossroads of trade routes has always made Pilsen the major business and cultural centre of the Pilsen region. After the Pilsner Urquell (Plzeňský Prazdroj) brewery and the Škoda engineering works were founded in the 19th century, the city's importance grew even further. Pilsen is now the country's fourth largest city, a major industrial centre and home to two universities. Pilsen continues to profit from its valuable position in the centre of Europe, excellent road connections to Prague and neighbouring Germany (D5 motorway) and proximity of the Ruzyně International Airport in Prague.
Pilsen has a wealth of experience with foreign investors. Support for incoming investors is even embodied in the Pilsen Development Programme. A high-quality industrial base in the city and in the nearby area offers broad opportunities for forging partnerships. Science and engineering graduates from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, burgeoning industrial zones and the excellent position halfway between the country’s western border and Prague brings additional investors to Pilsen and reinforces the city's role as a modern metropolis. Learn more about development zones and city and private projects in the chapters Current development projects  and in the section Opportunities for investors.
The manufacturing industry is the most important economic sector in the Pilsen Region. Traditional industrial sectors include engineering with a focus on energy and transportation systems. The automotive part manufacturing, engineering, electronics and the food industry (particularly beer brewing and the production of wine and spirits) are major sectors. The City of Pilsen also supports investments into strategic services such as high-tech services, research and development. Other important sectors include transportation, warehousing, telecommunications, construction and services.
The following major companies operate within the city: Škoda Holding a. s., Škoda JS a. s., Pilsen Steel s. r. o., Škoda Power a. s., Škoda Machine Tool a. s., BRUSH SEM, s. r. o., Panasonic AVC Networks Czech, s. r. o., Daikin Industries Czech Republic s. r. o., Wikov Gear s. r. o., Plzeňský Prazdroj a. s., Stock Plzeň – Božkov s. r. o., and more.
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Latest updating:16. 8. 2010