Útvar koncepce a rozvoje města Plzně
Human resources

Basic information about the labour market in Pilsen is available on the website of the Pilsen Employment Office and the Czech Statistical Office in Pilsen. The average recorded number of employees for the latest quarter for which figures are known are available in Chapter 6 of the Region´s Annual Bulletin.

Average gross monthly salaries of emploees in the Pilsen Region in 2010: CZK 21,873, making it the region with the third-highest average salaries in the country; in the same period, the national average gross monthly salary was CZK 23,078.

Latest updating:21. 7. 2011
Bc. Marie Melicharová

City Economic Development

tel. :+420 378 035 009
e-mail: melicharova@plzen.eu

Czech Statistical Office

Employment Office in Pilsen