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Pilsen Region Business News

The Pilsen Region Business News (originally Invest in the Pilsen Region and Investments in the Pilsen Region Newsletter) has been in publication since 2007 and is issued twice per year. Reporting on news from the Pilsen region, it is distributed mostly electronically in English and Czech. The newsletter is published by the Urban Planning and Development Institute of the City of Pilsen and World Trade Center Pilsen in cooperation with the Pilsen Region, Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region, BIC Pilsen and CzechInvest – Regional Office for the Pilsen Region.

Contents of issue 2/2016

  • Pilsen has a new Master Plan
  • Digital Skills House in Pilsen forges link between education and practical experience
  • Pilsen establishes itself as a Smart City
  • Shared service centres represent further development opportunities for Pilsen
  • News – Business Vouchers supported first hundred projects, conference about the topic Cybernetic revolution in practice, City of Pilsen has a new logo

Contents of issue 1/2016

  • Borská Pole Pilsen - Home to companies with their own development facilities
  • Pilsen seeks partners in pilotless aviation, works to facilitate garage start-ups
  • University of West Bohemia multidisciplinary projects celebrate success
  • Pilsen´s DEPO2015 Creative Zone among best in the country 
  • News – Pilsen Region and City of Pilsen celebrate success in European city and region contest, Thirteen annual Pilsen Region Building of the Year announces winner, Pilsen residents can get involved in preparing the city´s new Strategic Plan


Latest updating:3. 1. 2017
Ing. Kateřina Juríková


tel. :+420 378 035 006
e-mail: jurikova@plzen.eu

World Trade Center Pilsen World Trade Center Pilsen

Světovar - investment opportunity

Pilsen Region Business News 2/2016 (PDF, 996,8 kB) Stáhnout
Pilsen Region Business News 1/2016 (PDF, 875,82 kB) Stáhnout
Pilsen Region Business News 2/2015 (PDF, 765,45 kB) Stáhnout
Pilsen Region Business News 1/2015 (PDF, 746,31 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter Investments in the Pilsen Region 2/2014 (PDF, 1,09 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 1/2014 (PDF, 1,12 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 2/2013 (PDF, 963,2 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 1/2013 (PDF, 1,06 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 2/2012 (PDF, 980,09 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 1/2012 (PDF, 920,03 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 2/2011 (PDF, 718,66 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 1/2011 (PDF, 1,18 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 2/2010 (PDF, 762,06 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Investments in the Pilsen Region 1/2010 (PDF, 1007,71 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 2/2009 (PDF, 744,88 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 1/2009 (PDF, 917,68 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 2/2008 (PDF, 788,87 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 1/2008 (PDF, 585,78 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 2/2007 (PDF, 600,67 kB) Stáhnout
Newsletter: Invest in the Pilsen Region 1/2007 (PDF, 446,72 kB) Stáhnout