Útvar koncepce a rozvoje města Plzně
Pilsen Development Programme

The turn of the millennium and other significant events that influenced the development of our society – the change to the structure of public administration (the establishment of Regions) and our admission to the EU represented an opportunity to reflect on the past and consider the future – all this led to the decision to set up the Pilsen Development Programme. One of the main tasks of this strategic document was to assess what had changed in the city over the past ten years. Based on the results of a wide-ranging analysis, a vision for the future of the city over the next fifteen years was sought. The result of this work was the transfer of the vision of the city’s future into specific goals, measures and activities which are being implemented.

All discussions on creating the Programme had one thing in common – the idea of the partnership. That is why specialists from significant municipal institutions, business leaders, non-profit organisations and the general public were invited to participate in creating the Programme.

The Programme is divided into three basic sections – the analytical section, the proposal section and the implementation section. The analytical section includes a situational analysis, SWOT analysis and a definition of the main issues facing the city’s development. The proposal section is focused on setting out the vision for the development of Pilsen, priority areas, goals and measures, and defining activities for meeting goals and implementing measures. The proposal section also defines the process for implementing and updating the Programme. In preparing Implementation Plans for a given year, the implementation section is devoted to implementing specific activities/projects in the following priority areas:

  1. Coordination of capital construction (not reflected in Implementation Plans)
  2. Optimisation of municipal property management (movable and immovable property - not reflected in Implementation Plans)
  3. Inhabitants, suburbanization, inside environment of the city
  4. Transportation
  5. Research, innovation and new technologies
  6. Marketing of the city, tourism
  7. Development areas for providing jobs
  8. Crisis prevention

The Programme establishes a long-term process of strategic planning in the city. It is an open document, continuously updated based on the changing internal and external conditions in the city.

Latest updating:1. 6. 2010
Mgr. Jitka Karlová

Programme Documents

tel. :+420 378 035 037
e-mail: karlova@plzen.eu